Monday 11 August 2014

Creamy Cocomeal

Updates from the festival will have to wait until some more photos are being uploaded onto the interwebs by my friend, but in the meantime, I might as well give you another wee recipe this lovely Monday's eve.

You might wonder why I have the SAME photo that I used yesterday, but it's only because under the granola, it's not cottage cheese, porridge or yogurt like it normally is, it's cocomeal!

I had never thought of using coconut flour until I saw it posted on a blog not long ago instead of oats for a type of cold oatmeal, or coconutmeal in this case, so I figured I'd give it a shot, and topped it with some Snickerdoodle granola, yum!

Already, I have had this twice now, the second time I added 1/2 tsp of cocoa because I was cravin chocolate, and it hit the spot! Could even have added a full teaspoon of the stuff, yum!

Creamy Cocomeal
(Serves 1)

3 tbsp coconut flour (start with 2)
1 cup milk (I used coconut milk)
A pinch of salt
1 tbsp agave syrup
1/3 tsp vanilla extract
Granola, chopped nuts, honey or berries to top with

- Simply first have 2 tbsp coconut flour and all the remaining ingredients in a bowl and stir until it thickens, add a little water if it seems too thick, add the last tablespoon of coconut flour if you want it thicker. Top with goodies of your choice and tuck in!

Have you ever tried coconut flour instead of cereal before?

- Jules


  1. That looks wonderful! Coincidentally, I just got my first bag of coconut flour ever and am looking for ways to use it...looks like I might have to try this! :P

    1. It's a sign! I just had this for breakfast again today :P MY favourite so far is when you add a little bit of cocoa into the mixture, mmmm ^ ^

  2. Nam! Dette ser skikkelig godt ut :) "Creamy cocomeal" høres også fortreffelig ut på engelsk :D Håper du får en strålande veke vidare, Julie!

    1. Mange takk Linda! Ja, denne er faktisk veldig god! Men er viktig og ha litt sirup i den så den ikke smaker "tørt", jeg liker og blande den ut litt tynnere for en mer grøt-aktig konsistens, men smaken er som bake som mormor pleide og si, haha!
      Også toppet jeg denne med karamell granolaen din, ooog litt mer agave sirup <3 Nydelig! Ha en finfin uke videre skjønne du! x
